'trials' Tagged Posts

A Higher Agenda

Encouragement for Parents of Teenagers 695x181The next few posts continue the discussion of how theology should impact our parenting.

Higher Agenda

No matter what happens in life, regardless of our own desires and careful plans, the higher purpose is the will of God and the higher agenda is that we would live to please and glorify Him. As Christian parents we want to use every opportunity to point our teens back to God, who He is, and how they should respond to Him. God needs to be the focus and reason for what we do. This is practical theology.

Age of Opportunity or Season for Survival Part 2

Teen Years: Age of Opportunity or Season for Survival? As I mentioned in last week’s blog, I am starting a new series based on Paul Tripp’s book Age of Opportunity: A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens. I will be summarizing key thoughts and hopefully encourage you in your role as a parent of one or more teenagers. I highly recommend this…