Marriage was designed by God
Marriage was designed by God to be a picture of Christ’s love for the church and our honor and submission to Him. The Apostle Paul taught this important principle in Ephesians 5. But we also learn in Colossians 3:17 that our life’s purpose is bring glory to God in our words, in our actions, in Everything! You will not find a verse in Scripture where God tells you to do whatever it takes so you can to be happy and fulfilled as an individual.
First Baptist Church is a place where we seek to honor God’s purposes for marriage and we want to help you too. Contact the church office (812-635-9200) if you want to get biblical counsel or visit for more information.
8 Lies that Destroy Marriage
This list of 8 Lies that Destroy Marriage from Family Life are good warnings and reminders of what marriage is all about and what it is not.
Lie #1: “My happiness is the most important thing about my marriage.”
Lie #2: “If I don’t love my spouse any longer, I should get a divorce.”
Lie #3: “My private immorality does not affect my marriage.”
Lie #4: “My sin (or my spouse’s sin) is so bad that I need to get a divorce.”
Lie #5: “I married the wrong person.”
Lie #6: “My spouse and I are incompatible.”
Lie #7: “Breaking the marriage covenant won’t hurt me or my children.”
Lie #8: “There’s no hope for my marriage—it can’t be fixed.”
Read More:
Read the entire article on Family Life’s website: