Called to Community
The Second Great Commandment
You and your children were not only created for a relationship with God, as I discussed in the last post, but we were also created for relationships with others. When Jesus was asked which of the commandments was the greatest, He replied that we are to love God with all our hearts and to love others.
“And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Matthew 22:39 (ESV)
Our Western culture’s fiercely independent, self-made man is not only foreign to Bible times, it is just not Biblical. Our goal is not to bring up our children to be strong, healthy individuals. As Christian parents, our goal is to help our children become mature, godly people living in community with others who live in community with God.
Just not Natural
Sinners struggle with God’s call to love others. Our natural condition is selfishness. Did you have to teach your children to fight over the last cookie? hit their siblings? brag about themselves? push someone to get to the front? argue about what to watch on TV? A child’s self-centered focus came naturally with sin’s curse. Because this is “the norm”, we need to teach and emphasize godly community in our homes and consistently model love for others over ourselves. We also need to the remember grace and mercy God shows us as we are sometimes shocked by our teenager’s self-absorbed words and actions. Yes it’s sinful behavior and yes we are prone to the same weakness. Show them love as you patiently point them to God’s way.
Called to Community
God calls His followers to replace our sinful selfishness and self idolatry with love for others in Christian community. Throughout the New Testament the church family is told over and over to love each other; to bear each other’s burdens; to pray for each other; to encourage each other in the faith; to forgive each other; to comfort one another; to agree with one another; to be kind to one another; to build one another up; to live in harmony with one another; to welcome one another; to instruct one another; to serve one another; to submit to one another; to do good to one another; to exhort one another; to stir up one another to love and good works; to not speak evil against one another; to not grumble against one another; to show hospitality to one another; to show humility toward one another; to fellowship with one another. This is God’s calling to all of us.
I’m praying for you! Let me know how I can help or better serve you and your family.
in HIS service,
Pastor Mark
P.S. The themes and main ideas come from Paul David Tripp’s book “Age of Opportunity”. I’m summarizing what I read, adding my own thoughts and Scripture too.
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