Pray that your Teenager’s corruption would rear its ugly head now, rather than later.
Did you read that correctly? Could I actually be suggesting you pray for difficulty and struggles instead of a safe, smooth, problem-free transition from child to adult? Why on earth would you want that? Our teenagers, just like us, are born with a sinful nature that is predisposed to sin and resist God. The Apostle Paul recognizes this and instructs parents to teach their children how to do right.
“With the disciple and instruction that comes from the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4)
The problem in many Christian homes is that our children hide their real self by simply conforming to outward standards of behavior without revealing the true condition of their hearts. They learn how to play act being good Christian kids when our focus is pointed at what they do or say and not what’s really going on inside. Unfortunately that is not all too uncommon in many adults at church who are simply playing a role on Sundays without real life transformation going on.
If the symptoms of their corrupt nature come out when they are younger, we have the opportunity to address those heart matters early and help them renew their minds and be transformed by Christ. If those things are left to rear their ugly heads later in life our adult children may not recognize or even know how to deal with them. Pray that God would reveal your teenager’s sin issues and tendencies now so that you can teach them to identify roots of sin and deal with it properly. When God answers this prayer it will not make your life any easier, but it help you nurture and shepherd their hearts for long-term God honoring lives.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” Romans 12:2 (ESV)
As Christian parents, perhaps we need to look at these struggles in our teens’ lives as opportunities for their growth and future instead of trials for us to endure. Lord God, please help us!
in His Service,
Pastor Mark