Fundamentals of the Faith is an excellent 3-4 month Bible study and opportunity to find out what we believe at First Baptist. Recommended for those who are new to the faith or new to our church. Sign up for this class on the back of the Welcome Card.
Location and time: on-going as needed
Cornerstone is a class for any age; we have people from 30 to 80 years old. We like to study and discuss each book and chapter verse by verse. Cornerstone is currently studying the book of Acts.
Location and time: Ministry Center, Sunday 9:00am
Fellowship Class is a made up of older adults. There is no official starting age; all are welcome. The Fellowship Class is currently studying “Out of Bounds”—I Corinthians
Location and time: Ministry Center, Sunday 9:00am
Our Proclaiming Truth class is for adults of any age who want to study the Truth of God’s Word and discover how to live it out in their lives. The Proclaiming Truth class is currently studying Acts verse by verse.
Location and time: Ministry Annex, Sunday 9:00am
This small group Bible study is for young adults who are out of high school and older. Come in for a challenging, no assumptions, authentic study of God’s Word. This class helps ground people in the Bible and stand firm in their faith. The Young Adults are currently reading through the Bible.
Location and time: Ministry Annex, Sunday 9:00am
Women of the Word is for all ages of women. This class embodies a fellowship time that encourages putting God first in all personal endeavors by displaying that Jesus Christ “is the way the truth and the life”. They are currently in a study by Beth Moore entitled Jesus the One and Only.
Location and time: Ministry Center, Sunday 9:00am
For information about our Sunday School classes (ages 2 through high school) click here.