Welcome to LightSource
Student Ministries

Our youth group (grades 6-12) is called LightSource student ministries because we want to reflect the light of God’s Truth and His amazing love to the world around us. This comes from Jesus’ command in the Gospel of Matthew. “Let your light shine” Matthew 5:16.

LightSource Student Ministries are all about helping middle and high school students get plugged in to God and to church. You will connect with other students your age and meet caring adults who want to help you know God better and what the Bible says about real life. You will learn how to share your faith with the world around you and find lots of opportunities in ministry and mission trips. LightSource is active in serving our church family and our community. Join us and make a difference!

What will YOU do at LightSource?

  • Weekly Student Bible Fellowships for middle and high school students. (not meeting at this time)
  • LightSource meets at 6:00 – 7:30 pm on Sunday nights for fun, food, music, and Bible study.
  • Special Events like Winter Camp, and Indy Explosion
  • Movie Nights in The Loft
  • Christian concerts including Winter Jam concert in Evansville
  • Ministry projects around our community like the 30-Hour Famine, Christmas Caroling, Free Mother’s Day car wash, leaf raking


For safety during any overnight activity, we require that a parent or guardian complete the LightSource Medical Waiver. Click this link to download the PDF form: LightSource Waiver.


Here’s the Gospel (or the good news) about God’s love in an acrostic form. This was developed by Dare2Share ministries. If you have any questions about starting a relationship with God call us at 812-635-9200 or email the church office.

  • God created us to be with Him.
  • Our sins separate us from God.
  • Sins cannot be removed by good deeds.
  • Paying the price for sin, Jesus died and rose again.
  • Everyone who trusts in Jesus alone, has eternal life.
  • Life with Jesus starts now and lasts forever.